The Ultimate Core Bracing Guide
Imagine having perfect form on every lift
If you're afraid you'll break your lower back when you lift heavy
If your form begins to break when you want to set a new PR
If you feel like you're missing something in your training sessions
If you've hurt your lower back in the past
If you want to set new PRs beyond anything you've done before
Then this program will teach you the foundations so that you can train smarter, harder, and set new PRs.
Your training will never be the same once you consistently brace your core
You will hit new PRs: PRs are always hit with proper form, this is how you'll keep yours.
You will be more confident in your lifts: Confidence drops once form gives out, bracing your core will solve this problem
You will protect your lower back: The lower back is the weakest point in the body, but can made strong if you learn to brace your core.
What's included:
- The fundamental techniques to core bracing and how they relate to the Big 3
- A detailed explanation on what is core bracing
- Many exercises to teach you different techniques and they progress from easy to hard
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